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Dec 24 614'0 619'4 609'2 616'6 2'6 614'0 01:26P Chart for @MW4Z
Mar 25 635'6 641'0 631'6 638'2 2'2 636'0 01:26P Chart for @MW5H
May 25 646'2 652'2 643'6 649'2 1'6 647'4 01:26P Chart for @MW5K
Jul 25 654'2 658'6 651'6 654'6 2'2 652'4 01:26P Chart for @MW5N
Sep 25 659'2 664'2 659'0 659'0 2'2 656'6 01:26P Chart for @MW5U
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Nov 24 980'4 997'0 976'6 992'2 10'6 991'6s 01:21P Chart for @S4X
Jan 25 989'0 1003'6 986'6 1001'2 10'6 1000'4s 01:21P Chart for @S5F
Mar 25 1002'0 1015'6 999'2 1013'4 10'4 1012'4s 01:21P Chart for @S5H
May 25 1015'4 1030'0 1013'0 1027'6 10'6 1026'6s 01:21P Chart for @S5K
Jul 25 1028'0 1042'2 1025'0 1040'2 10'6 1039'0s 01:21P Chart for @S5N
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Dec 24 409'0 417'0 408'2 416'4 7'0 416'4s 01:22P Chart for @C4Z
Mar 25 422'2 429'6 421'6 429'4 6'0 429'2s 01:21P Chart for @C5H
May 25 429'6 437'0 429'0 436'6 6'2 436'6s 01:21P Chart for @C5K
Jul 25 434'0 441'0 433'2 440'6 6'0 440'6s 01:21P Chart for @C5N
Sep 25 430'0 435'4 429'2 434'6 4'4 435'0s 01:21P Chart for @C5U
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Dec 24 583'4 589'6 577'2 586'0 4'2 586'4s 01:21P Chart for @KW4Z
Mar 25 597'0 603'2 592'0 600'4 3'6 600'6s 01:21P Chart for @KW5H
May 25 605'4 612'2 601'4 609'4 3'2 609'6s 01:21P Chart for @KW5K
Jul 25 614'0 620'0 609'6 617'2 3'2 617'4s 01:21P Chart for @KW5N
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DTN Market Matters Blog
Editorial Staff
Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
U.S. Wheat Associates recently published a first look at results of the U.S. 2024 soft red and hard red winter wheat crops, noting that both crops overall were good quality for bakers and exporters.
Friday, October 18, 2024 12:06PM CDT
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 12:29PM CDT

Quote of the Day

"Computers will never replace good old-fashioned human stupidity."

~ Anon


   Grain Bids, Call - Dan 218-437-6634
 701-318-2042 Home office
 Wheat protein scales:
   +.15 fifth > 14 pro
   -.15/fifth <14 pro

  ***Effective September 24, 2024

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Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
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Blinken in Israel for Cease-Fire Talks 10/22 06:15
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Peru Ex-President Gets 20 Years 10/22 06:11
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Financial Markets 10/22 09:33

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